Flight into Emerald City
The First winter ascent of “Flight into Emerald City” M7+
The Washbowl Cliff
Keene Valley NY
Location: Upper Washbowl Cliff, Keene Valley NY
FA: Kevin Mahoney, Nick Bullock & Matt McCormick 1-20-2016
“Kevin Mahoney on his way to the first winter ascent of “Flight into Emerald City” ( M7+) Yesterday (1-20-16) at the Upper Washbowl, Adirondacks NY. It was an amazing day racing the sun at one of my favorite spots in the Adirondacks with Kevin and visiting climber Nick Bullock who grabbed the 2nd ascent shortly after”. – Matt McCormick
When you get great climbers and rare conditions together, this is what happens! What a spectacular climb. Great work Kevin.
It’s early in Nick’s East Coast Ice Fest Tour and he is wondering “How the hell did this happen all over again and so soon?”…see his blog for more
Photos by Matt McCormick & Doug Millen