Tag Archive for: conway

Steve House Solos Repentence and Remission

News Flash!
North Conway NH – 2/10/10

Steve House Solos two Classic, hard routes on New Hampshire’s Cathedral Ledge

“I soloed Repentence and Remission today. Maybe the first solo of remission. Way inspiring routes” – Steve House

Repentence WI5  /  Remission WI5+ 5.8


Source: Facebook, NEice Gallery

Mt. Washington Valley Ice Fest 2010

WMF2010-posterWeb-bigFebruary 5-7 2010

Clinics, Demos, Multimedia Show, Guest Athletes & Guides, 2nd Face Off Comp, Climbers Party, and Amateur Photo Contest!

Steve House is coming into town and will be giving a killer show.  Steve is currently supporting the release of his first book Beyond the Mountain.

Read more about the Ice Fest here: ICE FEST BLOG . Enter the  Ice Fest Photo Contest and  More Here..


The Painted Wall Icicle

M9 WI 5+

FA – 1/6/10  Bayard Russell – Peter Doucette, Kevin Mahoney & Doug Madara
Peter Doucette following the ice pitch. The first pitch climbs overhanging rock from the right.  The icicle was in unusually fat condition  1/6/10

Peter Doucette following the ice pitch. The first pitch climbs overhanging rock from the right.  The icicle was in unusually fat condition  1/6/10


1/6/10 – Climbing guide Bayard Russell has succeeded on the first ascent of a stunning mixed climb on the Painted Wall, Kancamagus Highway NH.  This climb has seen numerous attempts over the last few years but this week every thing came together for Bayard.

Read the full story on Bayard’s blog – Cathedral Style

Source: Bayard Russell

Photos by Bayard Russell & Kevin Mahoney 
