Entries by NEice Admin

First Dates

First Dates.  We’ve all had them – those initial encounters with someone.  Usually, it’s awkward, you’re trying too hard to look cool, you don’t know if offering to pay for the meal is chivalry or chauvinism, and you have no idea where things are going.  Other times it just clicks and works out perfectly. Article […]

Never Stay Home – Erik Eisele

“At 11 a.m. this morning my (non-climbing) plans for the day fell apart. I suddenly had five hours of daylight but no objective or partner. “Perfect,” I thought, “a chance to wrestle with the art of climbing firsthand. An opportunity to forgo a rope in search of focus, to see what I can learn from the experience. Three […]

Time Lapse Photography in the White Mountains

Time lapse photography has quickly become an obsession of mine. I want to timelapse everything. I thought at first that anything in time lapse would be interesting, but I’m learning what makes for a dramatic scene and likewise, finding out the lack of certain elements can make for a dull scene. This time of year […]

Reasons to Climb – Erik Eisele

I’ve been writing bullshit about climbing for years.
I write about handjams, pick placements and descents, about hauling and bivying, rope recommendations and runouts. The truth is it’s all bullshit.
I don’t climb for the summit or the send. Those are just excuses.