Entries by NEice Admin

How NEice.com ranks

NEice continues to be one of the top players for climbing web sites. Below are the rankings of some popular climbing web sites. Now remember smaller is better. I left out the big guns, climbing, Rock and Ice, exct. as they are in a different league. But this will give you a feel of where we stand […]

Embracing the Cold – Pat Cooke

Truth be told, even I don’t like being cold. You’d think that, as an ice climber, I’d love the cold. And I do, to a point, but there’s very little more miserable than standing below an ice climb belaying your partner while you’re anchored in one place, completely exposed to snow and wind. You can wear all the clothes you own, but you’ll never feel warm. The only way to warm up is to move, and you can’t. You’re going to suffer… you just have to embrace the cold. – Pat Cooke

What is a Climber? – Erik Eisele

There is a thread on NEIce.com right now asking how many climbers people think there are. In that question there is an inherent assumption about what it means to be a climber, and in the first few responses the discussion takes a hard left turn into who is really a climber. The back and forth got me thinking.

Am I a climber? I moved to North Conway a decade ago with no job, no clue how I was going to survive. I had led a handful of 5.9 rock climbs, but none of the classics on Cathedral. Grade 4 ice was within grasp, but I didn’t have a clue how to survive steep ice or mixed climb. I didn’t know how to aid climb, haul, bivy, belay off the anchor, belay a leader with a Grigri, sport climb, handjam, place a pin or do half the things I now take for granted.

Bringing Your "A-Game"

I’m standing below a steep curtain of ice. The route looked ok from the car, though not great, and truth be told, I know I don’t have my “A-Game” this morning.  My arms, core, and back are shot from Saturday’s thrashing session as I scratched, hooked, clawed, flailed, and fell my way up Erik’s savagely […]


An eye in the sky for NEice Meet our newest team members..King Kong (right) and WooKong. I designed and built the WooKong to be light and simple so we can bring it where we like to go, UP! The King Kong is the heavy lifter and ready for anything. I was inspired by the Mammut video […]

Thank You!

Thank you for your donation Your transaction has been processed Your support will help us pay our bills and allow us to provide the service you expect. Climb safe and have a great Ice Climbing season…Thank you, Doug Millen Return to home page

Fund Drive – December 2012

What would the ice climbing season be like without NEice?…Think about it! It’s time for the year end Fund Drive. NEice is a community web site run by volunteers, but we still have hard costs to run and maintain the server and the related costs. While sponsors and Google ads help,  it’s the viewer donations that make the difference. If you like what we […]