Entries by NEice Admin

Behind the Tights: Andrea Charest

I’ve had a somewhat ambiguous relationship with Mammut since about 2007 when JP Hong hooked me up with my first pair of Softech pants. I’m fortunate to work just a few miles from the Mammut USA Headquarters in Shelburne, Vermont, and it has been a pleasure to get to know so many of the folks there—they work very hard! Through the years, I was the local female climber, guide, gym manager, they were the attractive Swiss brand down the road…

More Storage Capacity!

Meet the newest addition to my editing room. I just purchased a 2-TerraByte G Drive with FireWire ports for storing all the video files. I will still be using my USB 1-TB Seagate drive for the backup, but all my editing will be off of this drive. I can now clear out my computers storage, […]

Matt McCormick-Climbing Adventures – Winter 2013

Winter always seems to sneak up on me and then fade to spring as quickly as it came. An early December spent on warm sandstone in the Red River Gorge fades to chilly return to Vermont. A seemingly annual vow to spend more winter days in Rumney ends after one freezing day bouldering on a rope at a windy Waimea. Soon snow is flying and I’m packing late at night for an early start, pulling out the dusty ice tools, still dulled from last year’s last day out along crampons, specter hooks, and the other arsenal of gear that comes out for mixed adventures. – Matt

Live Free or Die!

I’ve now been in New Hampshire for a week. The first few days were taken up with the Mount Washington Ice Festival, a crazy thriving festival of the likeminded, but then the climbing began, and I blame that flight – nothing could be as dangerous or as scary as that could it?

Seeking Repentance

“What the fuck do I do here?” I don’t know who I’m talking to… it’s just me and the huge chockstone looming above. Doubt is creeping in, but it’s kind of a moot point. I’m committed. The ice below the chockstone is ok, but it isn’t really of the quality that I’d be psyched to […]

Back into the Editing Room

Well, it’s back into the editing room.  We are getting ready for the Catskills Ice Festival this coming weekend and along with tuning the helicopters, the footage needs a little tuning as well.  I won’t be able to go, but I’m handing off the film to Doug to bring down with him and show off […]