Entries by Alfonzo

Ryan Stefiuk on using the upper grip on tools.

Recently, I’ve watched a lot of beginner ice climbers using their traditional, more straight-shafted tools in an unconventional manner while climbing ice. I’ve seen people liberally using the upper grip on the shaft, grabbing the top of the tool to pull down, pulling on the shaft just below the head and looping the rope through the pinky rest while placing screws.

Madison Gulf

  Madison Gulf and Mt. Adams   The Great Gulf  is a massive area shroud with mystery.  In the early years of hiking for many of us here in the White Mountains, the huge drainage of the West Branch Peabody River, the “Great Gulf Wilderness”  was a place filled with intrigue.  The remote drainage with its […]

The Balance of Life and Gravity

Ski mountaineering is dangerous. I have a wife and daughter. Almost any big adventure in Grand Teton National Park takes me a full day (I’m slow). That’s a day I don’t spend with my daughter, and it’s a day when my wife doesn’t get a break from childcare until late afternoon at the earliest. And that’s selfish, on a number of levels.

Selfishness aside, I’m clear about one thing: I’m addicted to the mountains.

Icefest Events!

All the ice festivals have clinics suited to fit any aspect of the sport you desire to learn more of or try for the first time. Taught by local guides, these folks are not just good, they teach climbing the way it should be, FUN. If you’re not there for the clinics, visit the many excellent sponsors and check out some new gear.
Also the evenings have great food, dry tool comps, slideshows and are great way to meet new people and reconnect with old friends.

Freddie Wilkinson is the Man!

“Where is alpine climbing going? What is moving the sport forward? Certainly remote exploratory climbing is always going to be significant, but with new objectives dwindling, enchainments are an obvious challenge.”


From the NEIce Gallery, a Members Sample.   The ice is here and with this snow, it will only get better!  Enjoy some shots provided by NEice members from  New York, Vermont & New Hampshire spanning the last two weeks. Thank you to everyone for posting info and/or images! Doug and all of us that […]

The Ghost in the Machine

…as much you might aspire to live by the cliched dictum about ‘it’ being about the journey and not the destination, if you never arrive at your destination even a fun journey can become tiresome. Raphael Slawinski